Лукашенко похвалився, що отримав ядерні ракети для "Іскандер"

Lukashenko boasted that he received nuclear missiles

The self-proclaimed President of Belarus Lukashenko said that he received nuclear missiles for the Iskander complexes from Putin.

According to him, the Russian Federation supplied tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, and did it at its own expense.

Also, during his speech, Lukashenko did not miss the opportunity to threaten neighboring countries.

He said that the missiles received from the Russian Federation could be directed against Poland, which he accused of planning an invasion of Belarus.

Lukashenko also said that he “signed a decree on the procedure for using nuclear weapons.”

According to this order, weapons can only be used “by order of the president.”

In essence, the nuclear weapons stationed in Belarus remain Russian. And accordingly, only Putin can give the order to use it.

Russian Iskander Missile.

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