Під Берліном штурмують єдиний у Європі завод Tesla

A Tesla factory stormed near Berlin

Near Berlin, in the village of Grunheid, activists attacked the only Tesla factory in Europe.

Some demonstrators managed to break through to the factory railroad and overcome the fences around the Tesla plant. This is reported by Bild.

While it is known about several detainees, local law enforcers had to use pepper spray and rubber truncheons.

The situation temporarily calmed down in the afternoon. Most of the Tesla opponents returned to the base camp.

Під Берліном штурмують єдиний у Європі завод Tesla

In addition to the attack on the plant, about 70 people staged a sit-in, blocking an access road and highway exit.

The protest began on Thursday. About 1,200 Tesla opponents from across Germany and Europe gathered at a base camp.

The village of Grünheide near Berlin, is on high alert.

Police cars are parked in every square and at every intersection.

Mounted water cannons guard the access roads and entrances to the Tesla plant, and cavalry squadrons patrol the forest.

The reason for the protest is to influence the May 16 vote, when the local council must approve a plan to expand the auto plant.

The goal is to prevent the forest from being cut down for construction. The action has only been agreed until May 20.

“We will stay until Tesla stops its actions,” announced one of the protest leaders.