Ілон Маск заявив, що бій з Марком Цукербергом може відбутися в римському Колізеї

The fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg could take place at the Roman Colosseum

American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk said that his battle with media mogul Mark Zuckerberg could take place in Rome’s Colosseum.

He stated that this would certainly be the battle of the century. But it is not yet known whether the Italian authorities will allow it.

Permission is needed to fight this battle in a legendary battle arena with almost two thousand years of history.

In addition, such large events have not been held in this amphitheater for several centuries.

The arranged temporary seating can accommodate only a few hundred spectators.

Earlier, Elon Musk very wittily trolled US President Joe Biden on Twitter. “I beg you, give him a password so he can write his own tweets.”