Archaeological Sites – Nubian Pyramids

One of the most underrated and unexplored archaeological sites in the world is the Nubian Pyramids.

The Nubian Pyramids are located in Sudan, a country that borders Egypt to the north.

It is more likely that they were built by the Cushites, Nabataeans and Meroites, ancient peoples who inhabited the Nubian region of modern-day Sudan for many centuries.

The pyramids were built later than the Egyptian pyramids. They date from around the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. A total of 255 pyramids have been discovered, surpassing the number of pyramids in Egypt.

A unique feature of the Nubian pyramids is their shape, which is different from Egyptian pyramids: they have steeper slope angles and lower heights.

For example, the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza has a height of about 138 meters, while the Nubian pyramids usually do not exceed 30 meters in height.

An Italian military doctor and antiquities hunter, Giuseppe Ferlini, is known to have caused significant damage to many pyramids in Nubia in the 1830s.

Instead of looking for entrances in the sands by resorting to excavation, he preferred to blow up the tops to get inside.

This led to the destruction of some 40 pyramids, causing severe damage to the historical heritage of the region.