British police investigate first virtual rape

Information has emerged that British police are investigating the first virtual rape in the metaverse.

The Daily Mail reports about this.

The 16-year-old girl’s character “experienced a sexual assault by a gang of adult men in a virtual video game.”

Police reportedly believe the girl was not physically harmed.

But she would have suffered the same psychological and emotional trauma if she had been actually raped.

Because the VR headset experience is designed to be as realistic and engaging as possible.

British police investigate first virtual rape

“There is an emotional and psychological impact on the victim that is more lasting than any physical damage,” said an officer familiar with the case.

This is the first time British police will investigate a virtual sex crime.

The case was opened on the fact of violation of the Internet Safety Law.

It is unclear how perpetrators will be tried, since the legal definition of rape requires physical penetration.