Biden has proposed a debate with Trump

US President Joe Biden has proposed at least two rounds of debates with Donald Trump ahead of the election.

“Well, make my day, pal. I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden said.

Referring to the day that Trump has off from his hush money trial in New York City.


Trump agreed: “I’m up for it … Let’s see if Joe can climb up to the podium.”

CNN, meanwhile, has already reported that Biden and Trump’s first debate will take place on June 27 in Atlanta, Georgia.

It is known that another round of campaign debates will take place on September 10.

Both Biden and Trump said they accepted the invitation from ABC Television.

Biden has proposed a debate with Trump
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Earlier, it was reported that Donald Trump met in the Trump Tower skyscraper in New York with Polish President Duda, who is a supporter of Joe Biden.

And current U.S. President Joe Biden once again called Putin a butcher and said the U.S. can protect Ukraine from a Russian dictator president.