Search Results for: Elon Musk

“This is literally how the nuclear apocalypse movie starts”, Elon Musk said Ukraine’s accession to NATO will lead to ‘nuclear apocalypse’

This is literally how the nuclear apocalypse movie starts, Musk

American billionaire Elon Musk believes that Ukraine’s accession to NATO could lead to a “nuclear apocalypse.”

In a recent post in X with the NATO Secretary General’s statement that Ukraine will become a NATO member, Musk wrote: “This is literally the beginning of a nuclear apocalypse movie.”

To his publication, Elon Musk attached a movie about the beginning of nuclear war.This is literally how the nuclear apocalypse movie starts

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 5, 2024

It has also been reported that Ukraine will not receive an official invitation to join NATO at the July summit in Washington.

This was reported by the New York Times with reference to representatives of the alliance.

The United States and Germany are opposed, fearing that they will be drawn into a war with Russia.

Therefore, NATO is looking for something to give Ukraine in return that is “sufficiently weighty” to show its support “in the long term”.

This is literally how the nuclear apocalypse movie starts, Musk
New York Times news screen

Elon Musk’s Starlink terminals are being sold on the black market around the world. Terminals are used even in countries with repressive regimes

Starlink terminals are falling into the wrong hands

Elon Musk’s Starlink terminals are being sold on the black market around the world.

Terminals are available even in countries with repressive regimes. Bloomberg journalists conducted an investigation on this topic.

It is reported that Starlink terminals are involved in civil wars in Yemen and Sudan. Venezuela, where there is no official Starlink coverage.

They are also found in South Africa and other countries around the world.

Experts are calling for the private company to be regulated because its activities have US national security implications.

Screenshot of news from Bloomberg
Screenshot of news from Bloomberg

Journalists began to investigate this topic after information appeared that the Russian army in Ukraine also uses Starlink, purchasing terminals in Arab countries.

It was previously reported that Democrats of the US House of Representatives have already launched an investigation into Elon Musk and SpaceX on this issue.

Video from CNBC. How Elon Musk’s Starlink Is Bringing In Billions For SpaceX.

Trump met with Musk to finance his presidential campaign

Former US President Donald Trump was interested in selling his social network Truth Social to entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Trump asked Elon Musk if he wanted to buy Truth Social

Former US President Donald Trump was interested in selling his social network Truth Social to entrepreneur Elon Musk.

This was reported by The Washington Post.

According to journalists, negotiations on this issue were held in the summer of 2023, but the agreement was never concluded.

Musk is the owner of the social network X (formerly Twitter). Trump was a user before being blocked in 2021. After that, he founded his own social network, Truth Social.

In April, Trump said in a financial filing for his presidential bid that his 90 percent stake in Trump Media is worth between $5 million and $25 million and that his profit from it is less than $200.

Musk once disparaged Truth Social, writing in 2022 that Trump’s site had a “terrible name.”

Trump asked Elon Musk if he wanted to buy Truth Social

It was previously reported that Donald Trump met with billionaire Elon Musk and several Republican donors in Florida to raise money for his election campaign.

Musk has denied that SpaceX is selling Starlink

US House Democrats have launched an investigation into Elon Musk’s SpaceX over the use of Starlink by Russian troops in the war against Ukraine

Investigation into SpaceX due to use of Starlink by Russian troops

Democrats in the US House of Representatives have launched an investigation into Elon Musk’s SpaceX amid data on the purchase of Starlink terminals by the Russians.

The Washington Post reports this.

The publication writes that the purpose of the investigation is to find out whether the company took appropriate measures to prevent Russia from using satellite Internet service.

Thus, a letter was sent to the company demanding that it provide reports of complaints about illegal acquisitions of terminals.

Lawmakers also stressed that Russia’s proposed use of Starlink poses a serious threat to the security of Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainians, and U.S. national security.

Earlier, information appeared that the Russian military began to use Starlink satellite terminals.

The American military portal Defense One confirmed rumors about the appearance of Starlink in the Russian armed forces.

The portal published photos allegedly of one of the Starlink systems used by the Russians.

Ukrainian troops first discovered Russia’s use of satellite devices on the front lines several months ago.

VIDEO. Earlier, Elon Musk refused to answer questions about how he prevented a Ukrainian attack on Russian warships by turning off Starlink terminals.

The businessman was accused of helping Vladimir Putin by refusing to use the Starlink satellite network for the Ukrainian military.

Trump met with Musk to finance his presidential campaign

Donald Trump met with Elon Musk to finance his presidential campaign. It is not yet known whether the billionaire will agree to support Trump financially

Trump is seeking financial help and has met with Musk

Former President Donald Trump met with Elon Musk in search of funding for his presidential campaign.

This is reported by The New York Times.

Journalists, citing their sources, write that the meeting took place in Florida.

Several Republican donors were at that closed-door meeting.

Trump praised Musk in front of everyone, but it is not yet clear whether the billionaire will agree to support him financially.

Musk has donated to candidates from both parties over the years, but has not given large amounts.

Recently, Musk began to criticize Joe Biden over migration policy and the influx of migrants to the United States.

And his posts in X show that he considers Biden’s defeat in the elections extremely important.

Earlier, he commented on a video in which Joe Biden said that he did not have the authority to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants.

Musk said that such opportunities exist because the increase in migration flow was caused by Biden’s own decrees.

Musk Says Putin Cannot Lose in Ukraine, Oppose Senate Bill

“Why NATO continues to exist,” Elon Musk continues to “shine” with his statements. This time the billionaire called for NATO to be disbanded

Elon Musk calls for NATO to be disbanded

Elon Musk calls for the dissolution of NATO because the Soviet Union collapsed.

He wondered why the Alliance still existed, since the Warsaw Pact was long gone.

By the way, NATO was created before the conclusion of this treaty, but apparently the businessman is not aware of this.

“I always wondered why NATO continued to exist even though its nemesis and reason to exist, The Warsaw Pact, had dissolved,” wrote Musk, commenting on a message from American businessman David Sachs.

Elon Musk calls for NATO to be disbanded

Elon Musk also began accusing Joe Biden of “blatant lies” about migrants.

This is how he commented on a video in which the US President stated that he does not have the authority to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants.

The billionaire said that such opportunities exist, since the increase in migration flow was caused by the decrees of Joe Biden himself.

“The massive flood of illegal immigration is due to 94 executive actions by the Biden administration.
Until those executive actions are revoked, claims by Biden that he wants to address illegal immigration are a bold-faced lie,” owner X wrote on his own social.

Elon Musk calls for NATO to be disbanded

Musk Says Putin Cannot Lose in Ukraine, Oppose Senate Bill

Elon Musk began calling on Americans to influence their senators to defeat the Ukraine aid bill.

Musk Says Putin Cannot Lose in Ukraine, Oppose Senate Bill

Elon Musk called on Americans to influence their senators to defeat the bill on financial assistance to Ukraine.

The businessman stated this in a conversation with Republican senators published on X (Twitter).

“This spending does not help Ukraine. Prolonging the war will not help Ukraine,” Musk said.

The businessman also said that Putin “under no circumstances” will allow the Russian Federation to lose the war in Ukraine.

According to Musk, the Russian President is under pressure from within the country to bring the war to an end.

Musk Says Putin Cannot Lose in Ukraine, Oppose Senate Bill

“Those who want regime change in Russia should think about who is the person who can overthrow Putin, and could that person be a pacifist? Perhaps not,” Musk said and suggested that such a person would be “even tougher than Putin.”

However, he denies that he sympathizes with Putin. Says that his companies have “probably done more to undermine Russia than anything else.”

Calls to fail the vote in the Senate are now being spread in X by many Republican-oriented users. For example, Tucker Carlson.

Earlier, Elon Musk called Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky a “butcher.” Video


Musk has denied that SpaceX is selling Starlink

“Not a single Starlink was sold to Russia.” Elon Musk denied the information that SpaceX is selling Starlink terminals to Russia, which are used by the military in Ukraine

Musk has denied that SpaceX is selling Starlink terminals to Russia

Elon Musk denied the information that appeared that his company SpaceX is selling Starlink terminals to Russia.

“A number of false news reports claim that SpaceX is selling Starlink terminals to Russia. This is categorically false. To our knowledge, no Starlinks have been sold directly or indirectly to Russia,” Musk wrote.

Earlier, a number of Ukrainian media outlets and the military reported that the Russian Federation had many Starlink terminals on the front line.

But, apparently, Russians do not really buy them directly, but through neutral countries, where accounts are registered to citizens of these countries.

At the same time, Musk’s company cannot yet turn them off, since then the Ukrainian terminals on the front line would also stop working.

Musk has denied that SpaceX is selling Starlink

Earlier, the Ukrainian military reported that they had detected Starlink terminals in the possession of Russians.

They published photographs taken by a drone allegedly of one of the Starlink systems used by the Russian military in the occupied territories..

It was reported that the first detections of Russian use of satellite devices on the front line were noticed several months ago.

The Russian military began using Starlink satellite devices

The Russian military has begun using Starlink satellite devices in Ukraine. It looks like Elon Musk’s company is now helping the Russian occupiers

The Russian military began using Starlink satellite devices

It has become known that the American military portal Defense One confirms rumors about the appearance of Starlink in the Russian military.

The portal published photographs allegedly of one of the Starlink systems used by the Russians.

“According to one Ukrainian source, Ukrainian troops first discovered Russian use of satellite devices on the front lines several months ago.”

“A second Ukrainian source confirmed the use of Starlink and added that its use appears to be growing,” the article said.

The Russian military began using Starlink satellite devices
Photo of the Starlink terminal from a Ukrainian drone. Filmed at Russian positions on the territory of Ukraine

According to a source from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russians now already have dozens of Starlink terminals.

“When there are hundreds of them, it will be difficult for us to live,” said one of the Ukrainian military men.

SpaceX is able to prevent the use of Starlink devices in Russian-occupied territory.

It was previously reported that SpaceX founder Elon Musk rejected Ukraine’s request to provide Starlink access in occupied Crimea to support the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Рекламодавці тікають від Ілона Маска! 

Advertisers are running away from Elon Musk! There is a growing number of companies that are stopping advertising on X (Twitter)

Advertisers are running away from Elon Musk!

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of large brands and companies that have stopped advertising on X (formerly Twitter).

This all stems from Elon Musk’s recent post endorsing a popular anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

Musk agreed with the view that Jewish organizations “oppose” the white population of Western countries by supporting minority policies.

After these scandalous statements, it became known that advertising campaigns on Musk’s social network suspended their activities.

These are major film companies such as Disney, Lionsgate, Paramount and Sony Pictures. Previously, this was done by Apple, IBM, Oracle and some others.

Elon Musk was accused of anti-Semitism and posting pro-Nazi publications in X. The reason was that the businessman supported such a publication by another user.

Advertisers are running away from Elon Musk

Ілон Маск назвав Володимира Зеленського "м'ясником"

Elon Musk called Vladimir Zelensky a “butcher” – This is how Musk described the President of Ukraine on the X network

Elon Musk called Vladimir Zelensky a “butcher”

Elon Musk, previously noted for other scandalous statements, called Vladimir Zelensky a “butcher”

This is how Musk described the President of Ukraine in one of the audio rooms on the X network (formerly Twitter).

“I think that Zaluzhny is definitely someone who values the lives of his people. And he looks at what is really happening soberly.”

“Zelensky has been living in his reality as a butcher for a long time, and this reality does not correspond to reality,” Musk said.

Maybe someone will remind the Musk that Russia attacked Ukraine and the representatives of this particular terrorist state are acting as butchers here.

And the main butcher in this war, which he unleashed on the territory of Ukraine, sits in a bunker, and his name is Vladimir Putin.

Elon Musk denied information about blocking X (Twitter) in the EU

Elon Musk denied information about blocking X (Twitter) in the EU

Today, information has emerged that Elon Musk intends to block X (Twitter) in the EU. This was first reported by Insider.

This is due to the Digital Service Act (DSA), which came into force in August, Business Insider reports, citing sources.

It is also noted that in 2023, Elon Musk met at least twice with the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to discuss X’s strategy.

However, according to sources, there is still no clarity. The entrepreneur has already “lost patience” and is considering restricting access to Europeans or completely blocking the platform in the EU.

Elon Musk denied information about blocking X (Twitter) in the EU

Later, Elon Musk himself denied this information.

“Yet another utterly false Business Insider. They are not a real publication,” the American billionaire wrote on his X page.

Elon Musk denied information about blocking X (Twitter) in the EU

George Soros wants to destroy Western civilization, said Elon Musk

George Soros wants to destroy Western civilization

George Soros wants to destroy Western civilization, said Elon Musk.

This is how he commented on a post on Twitter in which Soros was accused of escalating the migration crisis on the island of Lampedusa in Italy.

“The Soros organization seems to want, at a minimum, the destruction of Western civilization,” the businessman wrote.

The Guardian notes that the Soros Foundation also deals with issues of the safety of migrants and refugees.

George Soros wants to destroy Western civilization

Let us remind you that a state of emergency was introduced in Italy due to the influx of refugees.

The most affected southern regions will receive assistance in the amount of 5 million euros, which will be used, among other things, to open new refugee reception centers.

During the period of emergency, it will be easier to open such centers, but the procedure for deporting illegal migrants will also be simplified.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani called on the European Union to provide assistance.

In total, over 31 thousand illegal migrants have arrived in Italy since the beginning of the year.

В Ілона Маска запитали навіщо він перешкоджав ЗСУ

Elon Musk was asked why he interfered with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Elon Musk was asked why he interfered with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

“Do you know that your ignorance and selfishness cost Ukrainians their lives?” a Sky News reporter asked Elon Musk about his deliberate obstruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces operations.

The journalist also asked why Musk doesn’t call Putin an aggressor?

The American billionaire ignored both questions from the journalist and remained silent.

These days there is a meeting of leading technology leaders, including Sundar Pichai, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman.

They all gathered in Washington on Wednesday. There was also a closed meeting with US senators.

Earlier, information appeared that Elon Musk deliberately turned off Starlink communications during an attack by Ukrainian drones in the occupied Crimea.

Ілона Маска звинуватили у державній зраді!

Elon Musk was accused of high treason for shutting down Starlink when Ukraine attacked the Russian fleet near Crimea

Elon Musk was accused of treason!

In the United States of America, the scandal continues with billionaire Elon Musk and his Starlink connection.

Social media users accused the inventor of high treason for shutting down Starlink when Ukraine attacked the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea.

Musk responded by saying that he would defend only the interests of the United States and that his country had not declared war on Russia.

“I am a US citizen and have only this passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for America and die in it.”

“The US Congress did not declare war on Russia. If anyone is a traitor, it is those who call me that,” he replied on the social network.

Elon Musk was accused of treason

As you know, earlier in the media there was information that Elon Musk deliberately turned off Starlink communications in order to thwart an attack by the Ukrainian military with underwater drones on the Russian fleet off the coast of occupied Crimea.

Ілон Маск таємно відключив роботу Starlink 

Elon Musk secretly shut down Starlink near Crimea to thwart Ukraine’s underwater drone attack

Elon Musk secretly shuts down Starlink

CNN reports that in 2022, American billionaire Elon Musk secretly turned off Starlink off the coast of the occupied Crimea.

This happened in order to disrupt the attack of Ukraine by underwater drones on the Russian navy.

Mayor’s drones filled with explosives had already approached the Russian fleet, but suddenly lost contact and washed ashore harmlessly.

Musk’s decision, which resulted in Ukrainian officials begging him to turn the satellites back on, was fueled by a keen fear that Russia would retaliate against Ukraine’s attack on Crimea with nuclear weapons, a fear fueled by Musk’s conversations with senior Russian officials.

It is also narrated that Musk unwittingly became a powerhouse in Ukraine that US officials could not ignore.

After this incident, representatives of the White House spoke with the businessman, who voiced their concern.

“How did I end up in this war? Starlink was not designed to fight in wars. This was done so that people can watch Netflix, relax, connect to the Internet at school and do good peaceful deeds, and not strike with drones, ”Musk said.

Elon Musk secretly shuts down Starlink

The Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Fedorov asked Musk to resume Internet connection again.

“I just want you – a man who is changing the world with technology – to know this,” the minister wrote to the American.

Musk responded that he was impressed with the design of the underwater drones, but would not reactivate communications because Ukraine “is now going too far and could suffer a strategic defeat.”

Ілон Маск заявив, що бій з Марком Цукербергом може відбутися в римському Колізеї

The fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg could take place at the Roman Colosseum

The fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg could take place at the Roman Colosseum

American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk said that his battle with media mogul Mark Zuckerberg could take place in Rome’s Colosseum.

He stated that this would certainly be the battle of the century. But it is not yet known whether the Italian authorities will allow it.

Permission is needed to fight this battle in a legendary battle arena with almost two thousand years of history.

In addition, such large events have not been held in this amphitheater for several centuries.

The arranged temporary seating can accommodate only a few hundred spectators.

Earlier, Elon Musk very wittily trolled US President Joe Biden on Twitter. “I beg you, give him a password so he can write his own tweets.”