SpaceX fights Russian attempts to suppress Starlink signals

SpaceX fights Russian attempts to suppress Starlink signals

SpaceX is spending significant resources to counter Russian attempts to jam Starlink satellite communications in Ukraine.

About this, the owner of the company, Elon Musk, wrote on social network X.

“Exactly. SpaceX is spending significant resources combating Russian jamming efforts. This is a tough problem”.

“They have succeeded in shutting down every communications system, except Starlink,” Musk wrote.

According to him, it is a complex problem, but the Russians have not managed to turn off the Starlink systems.

Earlier, the Ukrainian military faced communication problems during Russia’s latest offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Reconnaissance drones were used to keep a daily eye on Russian troops preparing for a possible attack.

But on the morning of May 10, the Ukrainian military lost all video feeds due to Russian electronic jamming.

Starlink devices were first completely disabled after the Russian invasion in February 2022.

At a certain point, the Ukrainian military was left “completely blind”.

This was the biggest problem; they moved and worked only through radios or telephones.

Video from CNBC. How Elon Musk’s Starlink Is Bringing In Billions For SpaceX.