FIAT представив новий електрокар для підлітків!

FIAT has introduced a new electric car for teenagers!

FIAT has presented a new electric car for youth for review.

The Italian company FIAT has created an electric car Topolino, which can accelerate to 45 kilometers per hour in 10 seconds.

This car falls into the “light ATV” category, since the weight of an electric car does not even reach half a ton.

A new car can be driven even without the required license.

Students and schoolchildren will be able to gain experience in driving an electric car from an early age.

The cost of this type of “Topolino” vehicle is approximately €11,000.

Earlier, the high-tech sphere “MSG Sphere” began to be tested in Las Vegas. It was made of 54,000 square meters of LED panels. And the price of this fantastic project is estimated at 2 billion dollars.