Екоактивістка Грета Тунберг приїхала до Києва!

Ecoactivist Greta Thunberg has arrived in Kyiv!

Well-known Swedish ecoactivist Greta Thunberg arrived in Ukraine today.

She will join the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of War.

Together with other members of the eco group, Greta Thunberg met with President Volodymyr Zelensky and the head of the OP Andriy Yermak.

“She stressed that she would involve representatives of environmental public organizations in a dialogue about the main tasks of the International Working Group and drawing attention to the environmental consequences of the war,” Andriy Yermak said.

Today, in Kherson, the Russian occupiers again launched a missile attack on the “Point of Invincibility”. According to the latest reports, as a result of a strike on the city, two people were killed and several people were injured.