A man with a Ukrainian flag was chased in Mongolia

A man with a Ukrainian flag was chased in Mongolia

In the capital of Mongolia, a man ran into the central square with a Ukrainian flag.

A video of an unknown man running away from the police in Ulaanbaatar appeared online.

The incident occurred during the visit of Belarusian dictator Lukashenko to Mongolia.

It is reported that the publicized footage shows a local activist who has repeatedly organized actions in support of Ukraine.

It is not known whether the Mongolian law enforcement officers managed to detain him in the end, but they still took the flag away from him.

Earlier, it was reported that self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko could barely stand on his feet during his visit to Moscow.

Opposition Belarusian journalists suspect a strong illness in the Belarusian dictator.

Also, during the recent meeting between Lukashenko and Putin at the CSTO summit in Minsk, he was shaking very badly.

No one has ever captured such a shaking of Lukashenko’s head on camera.