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Ньютон проти Ейнштейна: чому падає яблуко?

Newton vs. Einstein: why does the apple fall? In Newton, it falls because the Earth attracts. Einstein offered a different view

Newton vs. Einstein: Why does the apple fall?

Let’s imagine an apple that falls from a tree.

According to Newton, it falls because the Earth attracts it with a certain force.

This gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the apple and the Earth and decreases as the distance between them increases.

For Newton, gravity is an invisible force acting at a distance that causes the apple to move downward.

Einstein offered a different view. In his general theory of relativity, gravity is not a force but a consequence of the curvature of space and time.

The mass of the Earth deforms space-time around itself, and the apple, being in this curved region, “slides” along this curvature like a ball on an inclined plane.

It falls because its trajectory in curved space inevitably leads to a collision with the ground.

The difference is that Newton says: the Earth pulls the apple downward by force, while Einstein says: the apple simply moves in a straight line in curved space, and therefore falls.

In everyday life, the two explanations may seem similar, but not on a scale like black holes or gravitational lensing.

Einstein’s model reveals much deeper aspects of the nature of gravity.

A great visualization of the two physical models of gravity.

Jupiter is Earth’s protector from cosmic threats. It is the most powerful planet in the Solar System, with a mass 318 times that of Earth

Jupiter is Earth’s protector from cosmic threats

Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system, with a mass 318 times that of Earth.

Because of this, it strongly influences the motion of objects in the solar system.

Most asteroids and comets that would collide with Earth are either deflected from their trajectories or captured by Jupiter’s gravity.

Jupiter keeps the asteroid belt between Mars and itself, which reduces the risk of collisions with Earth.

It often acts as a “cosmic vacuum cleaner,” absorbing large objects that would threaten the inner planets.

For example, the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in 1994 demonstrated its protective role.

Without Jupiter, the likelihood that Earth would be subject to frequent collisions with asteroids and comets would increase significantly.

Some scientists believe that without such a “shield,” the development of complex life on Earth would be greatly hindered or even impossible.

There was an earthquake in Romania

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Romania and was felt in Moldova. The earthquake scared Moldovan President Maia Sandu live on air

There was an earthquake in Romania

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake occurred in Romania on September 16. The tremors were felt in Moldova and Ukraine.

According to the Romanian Institute of Earth Physics, the tremors in the seismic zone of Vrancea were recorded at 17:40. The source lay at a depth of 140 km.

The earthquake occurred near the towns of Buzeu (57 km), Brasov (61 km), Focşani (64 km), Ploiesti (73 km).

Underground tremors were felt in Moldova as well.

The earthquake hit the cameras of the Moldova1 TV channel’s studio when Moldovan President Maia Sandu was speaking live there.

During Sandu’s answer to the presenter’s question, the studio begins to shake. The Moldovan president reacts with shock and silences with a smile on her face.

“We have the earthquake premiere live.” – said the anchorwoman.

Chandeliers shook from the tremors in Ukraine.

The earthquake was felt in Nikolaev, Kirovograd, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkassy and Vinnitsa regions.

In Odessa, it was felt in 2–4 points.


The largest cave in the world

The largest cave in the world. A city hidden in the bowels of the earth. Hang Son Dong is a subterranean world through which an entire Boeing 747 could fly

The largest cave in the world

The largest cave in the world: a city hidden in the bowels of the earth.

Hang Son Dong in Vietnam is more than just a cave.

It is an underground world so huge that it could fit the skyscrapers of New York City.

And an entire Boeing 747 could fly through its cave halls without hitting the walls with its wings.

The largest hall of the cave is about 5 kilometers long, 200 meters high and 150 meters wide.

This cave is so large that it has even formed its own ecosystem inside, including a river, jungle and clouds.

Ancient stalactites and stalagmites reach over 80 meters high.

And all the walls of the cave contain traces of time that are more than 3 million years old.

The first elevator to space

Japan is building an elevator to space. A space elevator is a transportation mechanism that connects the Earth with a space object

The first elevator to space

Japan is building an elevator to space: a tower with a lifting mechanism powered by electromagnetic devices.

A space elevator (or space bridge) is a transportation mechanism that connects the Earth’s surface with an object in orbit or another space object.

It consists of a heavy-duty cable, as well as moving blocks capable of moving cargo.

According to engineers’ estimates, such an object may become the largest ever realized in principle.

Its construction is estimated at about $10 billion. At the same time, the space elevator will reduce the cost of delivery of objects in orbit from $3500 to $25 per 1 pound (that is, for 0.45 kg).

Obayashi Corporation has been developing the project since 2012, which they want to put into operation in 2050.

The main challenge now is finding a material for the cable or elevator tube.

Scientists will have to develop a new strong material with a length of at least 22 thousand miles.

The fastest construction in the world. In China, an 11-story house was built in 28 hours. It will withstand earthquakes and last up to a thousand years

The fastest construction in the world

World’s fastest construction: 11-story building in China in 28 hours

Chinese company Broad Group broke all records by constructing an 11-story building in Changsha in just 28 hours and 45 minutes.

This impressive construction was made possible through the use of stainless steel modular units.

Each unit already contains interior finishes, water pipes and electrical wires.

Workers simply connect the modules and tighten the bolts.

Today, entire neighborhoods in Changsha have already been built using this technology.

The construction company claims that these buildings can withstand earthquakes and strong typhoons.

According to experts’ calculations, such buildings can stand for up to a thousand years.

The largest diamond ever found on Earth

The largest diamond found on Earth. The diamond, named “Cullinan”, was found on January 26, 1905; it weighs 3106 carats

The largest diamond ever found on Earth

The diamond, dubbed “Cullinan“, was found on January 26, 1905, in the Gauteng province in the Premier Mine.

The weight of this huge stone was an impressive, 3106 carats, making it the largest rough diamond ever discovered.

The Cullinan diamond was discovered by mine manager Frederick Wells during a routine inspection of the mine.

Frederick Wells
Mine manager Frederick Wells

Legend has it that Wells happened to see a large stone sticking out of the mine wall and pulled it out of the sand, not realizing its exceptional value at first.

The crystal’s stunning size and purity quickly made it a worldwide sensation.

Soon after being found, the Cullinan was purchased by the South African government, who decided to gift it to King Edward VII as a gesture of reconciliation after the Boer Wars.

The largest diamond ever found on Earth

An ingenious strategy was used to transport the diamond to Britain: the authentic stone was sent by ordinary mail without any security.

“The Cullinan is not only a symbol of wealth and luxury, but also plays an important role in a cultural and historical context.

It is part of the coronation regalia and is used at important royal events such as coronations and other official ceremonies.

Its presence in the royal symbols of Britain is a reminder of the deep historical ties between South Africa and Britain.

Solar coronal emissions

What are solar coronal mass ejections on the Earth’s scale? Coronal mass ejections are cosmic phenomena in which the Sun ejects huge volumes of plasma

Solar coronal emissions

Visualization: Solar coronal mass ejections at the Earth scale.

Coronal mass ejections are cosmic phenomena in which the Sun ejects huge volumes of plasma and magnetic fields into space.

They occur because of intense activity on the solar surface, such as solar flares and solar storms.

Each coronal mass ejection from the Sun can contain up to 10 billion tons of matter.

The ejection travels through space at an average speed of 400 kilometers per second (but there are faster ones, up to 2000 km/s).

If such an emission is directed toward Earth, it will reach our planet in one to three days.

Magnetic storms caused by coronal ejections can disrupt electronics and communications, cause the northern lights to go out, and damage electrical systems and satellites.

Hoba the largest meteorite

The Hoba meteorite is the largest meteorite ever found on Earth. Surprisingly, it was discovered completely by accident, as there were no craters or other visible traces of the fall

Hoba the largest meteorite

The Hoba meteorite is the largest meteorite ever found on Earth.

Surprisingly, it was discovered quite by accident, as there were no craters or other visible traces of the fall.

It was found by a farmer in Namibia, Africa, near Hoba West Farm, while plowing the land.

This meteorite represents the largest piece of naturally occurring iron on Earth.

The meteorite is estimated to be about 80,000 years old.

Scientists believe that at its initial fall to Earth, its mass was about 90 tons.

By 1920, this mass was reduced to about 66 tons due to erosion, scientific research and vandalism.

Subsequently, the meteorite decreased in mass to 60 tons.

Earlier, we wrote about the most mysterious ancient pyramids on earth.

Nubian pyramids are one of the most unexplored and mysterious ancient archaeological finds on earth.

The UN meeting was interrupted through an earthquake

The earthquake interrupted the UN meeting. The force of the tremors 4.8 points. New York authorities urge residents not to leave their homes

The UN meeting was interrupted through an earthquake

It became known that the earthquake near New York interrupted a meeting of the UN Security Council.

According to seismologists, the strength of the shocks amounted to 4.8 points. Now the local authorities are assessing the consequences.

The authorities of New York urged residents not to leave their homes.

This happened after the earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 in the neighboring state of New Jersey, local media report.

Buildings throughout New York City are being inspected for structural integrity and damage.


Earlier it was reported that semiconductor manufacturer TSMC was severely damaged during the strong earthquake in Taiwan.

The customers of semiconductor manufacturer TSMC include such technology giants as Apple, AMD, NVIDIA and others.

Semiconductor manufacturer TSMC has been affected by the earthquake

TSMC, the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer, was affected by the earthquake in Taiwan. Its customers Apple, AMD, NVIDIA

Semiconductor manufacturer TSMC has been affected by the earthquake

TSMC, the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer, has been hit by an earthquake in Taiwan. Euronews reports this.

Its customers include Apple, AMD, NVIDIA and other global technology giants.

Some plants have suspended operations, some have been damaged. There is a possibility that the assembly line will remain idle for several weeks.

Experts report that this may cause a shortage of semiconductors around the world – and with it the prices for graphics cards, processors and other equipment will soar.

For the latest data already known about 7 dead and 700 injured due to the earthquake in Taiwan.

Hundreds of buildings have been damaged or destroyed. Several automobile tunnels were also affected.

The island was hit by the strongest earthquake in the last 25 years.

An earthquake in Taiwan with a magnitude of up to 7.7

Taiwan has been hit by two powerful earthquakes with magnitudes up to 7.7. Light and internet outages began on the island

An earthquake in Taiwan with a magnitude of up to 7.7

Two powerful earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 7.7 have struck Taiwan.

It is reported that on the island began interruptions in light and Internet. It is known about four dead, and more than 300 injured.

Bloomberg also reports that the world’s largest semiconductor maker TSMC is evacuating its production facilities – as more earthquakes are promised.

China says it has sent planes and ships to Taiwan.

There is also reportedly a tsunami threat to neighboring Japan.

Each person on Earth throws away about 79 kilograms of food each year

Each person on Earth throws away about 79 kilograms of food each year. Threw away 1 billion servings of food a day, while 10% of humanity is starving. UN report

Each person on Earth throws away about 79 kilograms of food each year

The United Nations has released the Food Waste Index Report 2024, which provides data on food wastage in 2022.

The report was prepared by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) on the eve of Zero Waste Day, which is celebrated on March 30.

“Households on all continents lost more than 1 billion servings of food per day during 2022 while 783 million people (approximately 10% of the world’s population – ed.) were exposed to hunger and a third of humanity faced food insecurity,” said a press release behind the report.

In particular, 150 million children under the age of 5 suffer from stunted growth and development due to lack of critical nutrients in their diet.

Each person on Earth throws away about 79 kilograms of food each year

“In 2022, 10.5 billion tons of food waste (including unsuitable food) was generated, which equates to 132 kilograms per capita and almost a fifth of all food available to consumers. Of the total amount of wasted food, 60% is at the household level, food service is responsible for 28% and retail is responsible for 12%,” reports UNEP.

According to UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, wasting food is a “global tragedy” that, among other things, negatively affects the climate and the environment.

“The good news is that we know: if countries prioritize this issue, they can significantly reduce food loss and waste, reduce climate impacts and economic losses, and accelerate progress towards global goals,” she said.

The UN cites data showing that food waste produces between 8 and 10 (agriculture contributes 9.4% according to the latest data) of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, nearly five times the amount from aviation. They also cause biodiversity loss by occupying nearly one-third of the world’s land area suitable for agriculture.

The consequences of food and waste losses for the global economy are estimated at about 1 trillion dollars.

UNEP cites examples such as Japan and the UK, which have managed to reduce food losses by 31% and 18% respectively. The UN program monitors the progress of countries, having set a goal to halve food losses by 2030.

VIDEO. Why are so Many People going Hungry? | World Hunger | FAO Explainer | United Nations.

У Китаї стався потужний землетрус

A powerful earthquake occurred in China. So far, 116 dead and 400 injured are already known

A powerful earthquake occurred in China

A strong earthquake is reported to have occurred this night in China.

To date, 116 dead and 400 injured after the strong earthquake are already known.

Tremors with a magnitude of 6.2 occurred in Jishishan County in northwestern China’s Gansu Province on Tuesday night.

There were also deaths and injuries in neighboring Qinghai province in the northwest of the country.

As you know, the strength of the earthquake in Turkey, after which more than 50 thousand people died, was 7.8 points.

Кількість жертв землетрусу в Марокко

The number of earthquake victims in Morocco has exceeded 2 thousand people! At least 2,059 more people were injured

The number of earthquake victims in Morocco has exceeded 2 thousand people!

It became known that the number of victims of the terrible earthquake in Morocco already exceeds more than 2 thousand people.

At least 2,059 others were injured. The New York Times reports this.

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake was the strongest in the last century in this region.

Most of the affected area is rural, where many old houses were built from adobe bricks. The structures are not designed to withstand an earthquake of this magnitude.

As you know, an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 occurred on the night of September 9 in Morocco.

Many Moroccans spent the night on the streets of several cities, fearing aftershocks and the threat of being trapped under rubble.

Local doctors urged people to donate blood to help the victims.

Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

Archaeologists from Britain have discovered two medieval tombs that have lain at the bottom of Stadland Bay for almost 800 years

Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

It became known about the discovery of two medieval tombs, which were found by archaeologists from Bournemouth University in Britain.

Ancient slabs have lain at the bottom of Stadlandskogo Bay for almost 800 years.

It was reported on

The plates found by archaeologists were on board among the cargo on the ship, which sank off the coast of Dorset during the reign of Henry III in the thirteenth century.

Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

One surviving slab measures one and a half meters (5 feet) and weighs about 70 kilograms (154 pounds).

The other, a much larger slab, is in two pieces, with a total length of two meters (6.5 feet) and weighs about 200 kilograms (441 pounds).

Both tombs have carved Christian crosses, popular in the thirteenth century.

The research team believes they were intended for use as coffin lids or crypts for dignitaries.

Earlier, it was reported about the largest meteorite that was found on the surface of the Earth.

The Khoba meteorite was found completely by accident, as there were no visible traces of the fall on the surface of the Earth after it hit the ground.

A cave has been discovered on the moon

A cave has been found on the Moon for the first time, and it could become a base for astronauts in the future. It was detected by radar

A cave has been discovered on the moon

It has become known that on the Moon, for the first time, a cave was found a cave. This cave, in the future, may become a lunar base for astronauts.

It is reported that the cave has a depth of at least 100 meters. It was discovered by radar in the area of the Sea of Tranquility.

In this place in 1969 made a landing on the moon, astronauts from the mission “Apollo 11”.

Famous researchers Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonard Carrer from the University of Trento suggest that there are many such caves on the Moon.

A cave has been discovered on the moon

They originated millions of years ago due to lava flows.

These lunar caves resemble volcanic caves on Earth, such as those on the Spanish island of Lanzarote.

Scientists also believe that these moon caves could be suitable for creating bases for astronauts, as life on Earth also began in caves.