Search Results for: Earth

How elephants sense the earth

How elephants sense the ground: the amazing abilities of their feet. The feet contain nerve endings that help to pick up low-frequency vibrations

How elephants sense the earth

How elephants sense the earth: these animals have amazing abilities of their feet.

Elephants have a unique ability to “listen” to the earth thanks to their special feet.

At the bottom of their feet are nerve endings that help them pick up low-frequency vibrations transmitted through the ground up to 8 kilometers away.

This ability allows them to detect other elephants and potential threats, creating an invisible communication network under their feet.

The flat shape and large cartilage cushion in elephants’ feet acts as a shock absorber, making their footsteps almost silent.

So the expression “stomp like an elephant” is a little misleading – in fact, elephants stomp much more quietly than many people might think.

The beginning of a new era. Space tourists went into outer space for the first time. The pioneers were Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis.

Space tourists went into outer space for the first time

It became known that two American tourists went into outer space for the first time in history.

Among the tourists who went into space, billionaire Jared Isaacman and SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillies.

Space tourists went into outer space for the first time

The spacewalk began when the Crew Dragon spacecraft was more than 700 kilometers above Earth.

Isaacman, who commanded the Polaris Dawn mission, exited the Dragon spacecraft into space first.

A few minutes later, he was able to return. Following him into outer space was Sarah Gillis.

Billionaire Isaacman and SpaceX engineer Gillis will be in space for about two hours.

Also on the ship’s crew are retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, pilot Scott Poteet and SpaceX physician Anna Menon.

On many planets there is no change of day and night

Scientists have stated that many other planets do not have day and night cycles. The planets always face their star with only one side

On many planets there is no change of day and night

Scientists believe that some potentially habitable planets always face only one side of their star.

That is, one hemisphere is always perpetual night and the other perpetual day, writes Phys.

As studies of living organisms on Earth that live in places devoid of sunlight show, this is not a problem for their existence.

It is organisms like these that provide a glimpse of what alien life without a circadian rhythm might look like, says Marie Cohen of the Open University, UK,

Scientists now believe there are billions of potentially habitable planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone, in which there are between 100bn and 400bn stars.

On many planets there is no change of day and night

The fact is that 70 percent of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs.

Studies show that about 40% of such stars have at least one planet that orbits within the habitable zone of their star.

This means that there may be water in liquid form on the surface of such a planet.

It is worth saying that rocky Earth-like planets orbiting red dwarfs are different from our world.

Because such stars are colder than the Sun, the planets are closer to them, which means the gravitational influence of the star is stronger.

This has led to the fact that most of the potentially habitable planets, as scientists believe, are always facing their star only one side.

That is, they are just like the Moon, which has the opposite side.

Food waste from restaurants becomes organic fertilizer

Food waste is turned into organic fertilizer. Restaurants in Dubai do not throw away food waste but recycle it into organic fertilizer

Food waste from restaurants becomes organic fertilizer

In Dubai, so many restaurants have started not throwing away food waste but delivering the waste to a recycling facility.

For the past few years, a local startup has been collecting waste from restaurants in the city. These food scraps are used to make fertilizer.

When the food scraps are collected, they are first sorted and then composted. Such a process takes eight to 12 weeks.

“Although we live among sands, we can turn them into fertile soil. This way, we will help the agricultural sector and protect and enhance the country’s food security.

When composting, the waste needs to be turned constantly. It needs natural sunlight and heat. This ensures that the process goes properly,” informs the company’s co-founder Yousef Chehad.

Earthworms, bacteria and fungal spores are used to make the composting process better.

Already-ready fertilizer is packed in bags, and then it goes to farms throughout the Arab Emirates.

It is reported that the production of such fertilizer is not only useful for farmers. A local processing company calls the fertilizer “brown gold.”

“We have deprived landfills of thousands of tons of food waste. In this way, we have prevented 1.2 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere,” says Yousef Chehad.

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon. Halo Space to test fly stratospheric balloon for tourists in Saudi Arabia

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

It became known that the Spanish company Halo Space plans to conduct a test flight of a stratospheric balloon.

The test for tourists is planned to be held in September. This is reported by the portal

This test launch will already be the sixth in a row and will be held in Saudi Arabia.

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

A life-size prototype of a special capsule called Aurora will rise 30 kilometers above the Earth.

So will check the work of all the key systems of the apparatus, which, as the creators hope, will become a popular mode of transportation for space tourists.

The plan is to organize six-hour flights at 35 kilometers in altitude.

During this time, passengers in the stratospheric balloon will be able to enjoy a unique view of the Earth.

It is planned that Halo Space wants to start manned flights in 2025 and commercial flights by 2026.

Artificial sun created in China

Can an artificial sun created in China replace the real one? Chinese scientists have created an installation that they unofficially called “artificial sun”

Artificial sun created in China

Can an artificial sun created in China replace the real one?

Chinese science has made a significant breakthrough in the field of fusion.

Scientists have created a facility that has been unofficially dubbed the “artificial sun” for its ability to reach extreme temperatures.

This installation, officially known as Tokamak EAST, is a system that mimics the processes that occur in the depths of the real sun.

The artificial sun created in China is not meant to replace the real sun. Rather, it is a reactor.

It serves as an experimental setup to study fusion, the process that underlies the energy production of the real sun.

The goal of this project is to develop a technology that will produce energy on Earth.

It is a method similar to solar processes, i.e., to produce large amounts of energy from a small amount of fuel without emitting carbon dioxide or producing hazardous waste.

What 9.5G overload looks like

What a 9.5G overload looks like during an extreme maneuver in the air. Of particular interest is the reaction of the woman in the cockpit with the pilot

What 9.5G overload looks like

The published video shows a pilot inducing an overload of 9.5G while performing an extreme maneuver in the air.

Of particular interest is the reaction of the woman in the cockpit with the pilot.

Her face demonstrates the physical changes such a high overload can cause.

An overload of 9.5G means that the human body experiences an acceleration equivalent to 9.5 times the Earth’s gravity.

To give you an example, imagine that your weight increases by 9.5 times.

If you normally weigh 70 kg, at an overload of 9.5G you will feel as if your weight is 665 kg!

This creates a feeling of immense heaviness in the body and pressure in various parts of the body, to the point of unconsciousness.

The first manned launch of the Starliner spacecraft took place.

The first manned launch of the new reusable Starliner spacecraft took place in the USA. The launch took place from the Cape Canaveral launch site.

The first manned launch of the Starliner spacecraft took place.

The first manned launch of a new reusable spacecraft, “Starliner,” took place in the United States.

It is reported that the first launch of the carrier rocket “Atlas-5” took place on June 5 from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral.

Live broadcast was conducted and available on NASA’s YouTube channel.

At the moment it is known that the ship is to deliver astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunny Williams to the International Space Station.

They are expected to spend about 25 hours in transit, and once they arrive at the ISS, they will be there for about a week.

During that time, they will test the spacecraft and then return to Earth for a landing in the United States.

Earlier, it was reported that the company SpaceX again launched the Starship Super Heavy spacecraft.

The launch was made from the spaceport in Texas; this is the third test flight of the Starship Super Heavy spacecraft.

Lava samples from an active volcano

As geologists collect lava samples from an active volcano, They approach the bubbling crater like superheroes in special heat-resistant suits

Lava samples from an active volcano

This is how geologists collect lava samples from an active volcano.

Geologists, like superheroes on a scientific mission, approach a bubbling crater in special heat-resistant suits.

Using rock hammers, they carefully break off semi-frozen layers of lava and immediately place them in cold water.

This method prevents further crystallization and preserves the original structure of the lava.

The lava reaches temperatures of over, 1400°C and is so hot that it can burn even from a distance.

Such samples make it possible to study the composition of magma, predict eruptions and unlock the mysteries of Earth’s formation.

Earlier, in the network was published a video as lightning struck the top of the volcano Fuego in Guatemala.

The Fuego volcano is the largest volcano in the world, which can be very dangerous during an eruption.

The surface and sounds of Mars

The Amazing World of Mars: The Surface and Sounds of the Red Planet. Modern technology allows us to imagine ourselves on Mars

The surface and sounds of Mars

The Amazing World of Mars: The Surface and Sounds of the Red Planet.

Modern technology allows us to plunge into the atmosphere of another planet and imagine ourselves on Mars.

In front of you is a red desert combined with rocky mountains recorded by the Curiosity rover.

The video was compiled by NASA staff from more than a thousand images.

Listen to Martian wind noise recorded by the InSight landing module.

Temperatures on the surface of Mars can range from -143 to +35 degrees Celsius.

The atmosphere consists mostly of carbon dioxide, making it unfit for human respiration.

Gravity on Mars is 2.5 times weaker than on Earth.

Due to the lack of oxygen and low atmospheric pressure, humans cannot survive on Mars without a special spacesuit.

Washing hair in weightlessness

How hair is washed in weightlessness. The daily lives of astronauts on the International Space Station.

Washing hair in weightlessness

Astronauts’ everyday life on the International Space Station: Washing hair in weightlessness.

Astronauts on the ISS face many unique challenges, including simple everyday tasks that seem trivial on Earth.

One such example is washing hair in weightlessness.

Astronaut Karen Nyberg demonstrated how she washes her long blonde hair in weightlessness.

All she needs is a sealed bag of hot water, non-washable shampoo, a comb and a towel.

Karen Nyberg, who holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering.

She has two space missions under her belt, the last one lasting 166 days.

Earlier, on social networks laughed at Elon Musk, who changed his hairstyle and shaved his temples, became a meme.

The American inventor and billionaire was compared to the villain Zorg from the popular movie “The Fifth Element”.

UFO or new Russian weapons? Kyiv, Ukraine. Strange flash in the sky!

Mysterious flashes in the sky over Kyiv stirred up social networks

Mysterious flashes in the sky over Kyiv stirred up social networks
Mysterious flashes in the sky over Kyiv stirred up social networks

Kyiv. Ukraine. More detailed video of the mysterious flash in the sky, which was seen by local residents.

The fall of some object in the fire is noticeable. What it was – it has not yet been officially announced.

According to preliminary information, this phenomenon was the result of a NASA space satellite falling to Earth.

After a mysterious flash in the sky over Kyiv, Telegram channels are massively publishing funny photos of a plate being taken somewhere for some reason.

Загадкові спалахи в небі над Києвом розбурхали соціальні мережі

The flash in the sky over Kyiv is the result of a NASA space satellite falling to Earth, said Serhiy Popko, head of the Kyiv City Military Administration.

“In order to avoid victims from debris falling to the ground, an air alert was announced. Air defense did not work,” Popko said.


Later, information appeared that the NASA satellite did not burn up over Kyiv. This is reported by The Alpha Centauri.

According to their data, the NASA RHESSI apparatus, which observed solar flares from 2002 to 2018, should really enter the atmosphere today.

But the trajectory of its fall is very far from Ukraine – along the line of motion in the picture.

Загадкові спалахи в небі над Києвом розбурхали соціальні мережі

Terrestrial debris found on Mars!

Terrestrial debris found on Mars!

Terrestrial debris found on Mars!
Terrestrial debris found on Mars!

NASA’s Perseverance rover came across what looked like a candy wrapper while exploring the bottom of Lake Zero crater.

It turned out that this is a piece of thermal insulation from the landing system of the rover, which fell off and remained on the planet back in 2021.

There is only one conclusion, garbage from our planet has been found, earthlings have already begun to litter the Red Planet.

LATEST NEWS: The President of Kazakhstan refused the Russian Order of Alexander Nevsky.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is not going to accept either domestic or foreign awards while he is in the presidency, political analyst Yerbol Yedilov said.

Касым-Жомарт Токаев
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev