Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

It became known that the Spanish company Halo Space plans to conduct a test flight of a stratospheric balloon.

The test for tourists is planned to be held in September. This is reported by the portal

This test launch will already be the sixth in a row and will be held in Saudi Arabia.

Tourists will fly to space in a stratospheric balloon

A life-size prototype of a special capsule called Aurora will rise 30 kilometers above the Earth.

So will check the work of all the key systems of the apparatus, which, as the creators hope, will become a popular mode of transportation for space tourists.

The plan is to organize six-hour flights at 35 kilometers in altitude.

During this time, passengers in the stratospheric balloon will be able to enjoy a unique view of the Earth.

It is planned that Halo Space wants to start manned flights in 2025 and commercial flights by 2026.