Суд видав ордер на арешт президента Південної Кореї

South Korea’s parliament supported the impeachment of the president

It became known that the Parliament of South Korea supported the bill on the impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yol.

In favor of impeachment voted 204 parliamentarians, against the law 85 and 3 more abstained.

A previous vote failed due to a no-show by ruling party lawmakers.

The decision requires 200 votes out of 300 and therefore at least 8 ruling party lawmakers to pass.

Yoon Seok-yol is suspected of state treason after he recently declared martial law in the country.

After a successful vote, Prime Minister Han Dok-soo will take over the interim administration of the country.

The final decision on Yoon Sok Yol’s future as president must be made by the Constitutional Court.

The court must uphold the impeachment or declare it unconstitutional.