Two trains collide in Britain, one dead, 15 injured

Two trains collide in Britain, one dead, 15 injured

In the UK there was a collision of two trains, resulting in the death of one passenger, another 15 people were injured.

About it, reports Sky News. The accident occurred in Mid-Wales near the village of Llanbrainemire.

The train collision occurred near a passing loop where one train must stop, and the other must continue at low speed.

Apparently, the train that is supposed to stop failed to do so.

However, the collision occurred at low speed, so neither train derailed.

As noted, local police confirmed the death of one person.

Another 15 people were hospitalized with various injuries, there is no threat to their lives.

According to the police, all other passengers were evacuated from both trains.

About the causes of the accident at the moment do not report, the investigation of the incident continues.

As reported, in the summer, as a result of derailment of a passenger train in the north of India, killed two people, 20 more people were injured.