Trump wants to appoint Musk as presidential adviser if he wins

Trump wants to appoint Musk as presidential adviser if he wins

Former President Donald Trump has been discussing for several months with Elon Musk the possible appointment of him to the position of presidential adviser in case of victory.

This is reported by The Wall Street Journal with reference to sources.

American billionaire Elon Musk calls Donald Trump several times a month.

For the first time, they met at a breakfast for donors in early March at Trump’s residence in Florida.

During their most recent meeting, the subject of the adviser came up.

Trump wants to involve Musk in areas of the economy and the border with Mexico, which the SpaceX founder has publicly speculated about.

They also discussed the U.S. Space Force, electric mobility and immigration.

Trump met with Musk to finance his presidential campaign

Earlier, there was information that Donald Trump was interested in selling his social network, Truth Social, to Elon Musk.

According to reports by American journalists, negotiations on this issue between Trump and Musk were held back in the summer of 2023.

But after discussing the deal, the agreement on the sale was never concluded.