The European Court of Human Rights rejects Saakashvili's complaints

The European Court of Human Rights rejects Saakashvili’s complaints

It became known that the European Court of Human Rights completely rejected the complaints of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

This is reported by the Anadolu Agency.

Saakashvili challenged the fairness of two criminal cases and sentences, which were handed down to him by Georgian courts.

He claimed political persecution, violation of the right to an impartial court and “punishment without law.”

“The court unanimously declared both of the plaintiff’s complaints (6232/20) and (22394/20) inadmissible under Article 18 of the ECHR,” the verdict reads.

Saakashvili’s lawyers said they strongly disagree with the ECHR decision and intend to appeal it in due course as soon as possible.

In its turn, the ruling Georgian Dream Party said it demanded apologies from Western politicians for attacking the Georgian justice system after the ECHR rejected Saakashvili’s lawsuit.

The European Court of Human Rights rejects Saakashvili's complaints

Mikhail Saakashvili has been in detention in Georgia since October 2021.

In February 2023, it was reported that Saakashvili weighed 67 kilograms.

Before his arrest, he weighed 116 kilograms with a height of 195 centimeters.