Ядерна установка для польоту на Марс буде зібрана на орбіті

Nuclear power plant for flight to Mars will be assembled in orbit

Scientists from the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have designed a nuclear electric propulsion system.

Such a system is supposed to be sent into space in parts and assembled together using robots.

The project is reported on the official website of the space agency.

A nuclear electric engine is a reactor that generates electricity to ionize gaseous fuel and create thrust for the spacecraft.

Such a system requires a radiator grille the size of a football field. Such a design is very difficult to place on board existing rockets.

NASA specialists have proposed a solution to the problem called the MARVL project, or modular prefabricated radiators for transport using nuclear electric traction.

MARVL technology will allow parts of the system to be sent into space in any suitable way, and then assembled together in airless space.

It is assumed that the installation of the radiator grille with a liquid metal coolant will be carried out by robots.

NASA expects that in the future, spacecraft with this type of engine will be sent to Mars and other destinations.