The commander of a military unit was killed in Crimea

The commander of a military unit was killed in Crimea

A Russian commander of a military unit, Aleksandr Kulakov, has died on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea.

This is reported by Ukrainian officer Anatoliy Stefan “Stirlitz”, who tracks Russian military casualties.

Also, the lieutenant colonel’s death was officially confirmed by the Russian occupation authorities.

The commander of a military unit was killed in Crimea

The Russian lieutenant colonel died as a result of a missile attack on Crimea, which occurred some time ago.

He defected to the Russian occupiers in 2014 with the rank of Ukrainian captain, took Russian citizenship and joined the service.

During the missile attack, a military air defense base located on Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea was damaged.

The commander of a military unit was killed in Crimea
Missiles hit Russian air defense base in Crimea Photo: Rivers of Crimea

It is known that several missiles, presumably Storm Shadow, attacked military unit #85683.

This is a secret military air defense base of the Russian Armed Forces.

The regiment was formed in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation on the basis of the 40 radio-technical brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force.

Earlier it was reported that the Russians managed to seize a hospital in Volchansk near Kharkiv.

But the Ukrainian military managed to counterattack and knock the enemy out of the hospital.