Sandstorm in the sea

Sandstorm in the sea

Every year, a huge amount of sand dust – about two billion tons – rises into the atmosphere.

Of this amount, a quarter is deposited in the oceans.

Deserts are a major source of sandstorms. The Sahara contributes about 55% of all dust entering the atmosphere.

The danger of sandstorms at sea lies in their ability to reduce visibility and create hazardous conditions for shipping.

Sand clouds can severely restrict visibility and navigation, increasing the risk of collisions and accidents at sea.

Desert sand introduces valuable minerals to marine life, promoting algae growth and keeping ecosystems in balance.

However, the beneficial effects hide a danger: dust particles can have a negative impact on the health of coral reefs.

A three-meter-long predator terrorizes the sands of Australia.

This unusual Australian beach worm is known as Australonufis.

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