Pavel Durov banned from leaving France for six months

Pavel Durov banned from leaving France for six months

Pavel Durov has been banned from leaving France until March 2025. This is reported by Paris Match.

According to the French magazine, Pavel Durov will be able to pay the bail of €5 million in installments.

But €1 million had to be paid at once, and the remaining €4 million in monthly installments.

Durov is described as the cyber lord of the world, who starts every morning with 200 push-ups and 100 squats before taking an ice bath.

Pavel Durov banned from leaving France for six months

Also, the Paris Match interviewee claims that Telegram’s office ‘never received a wanted notice’.

There was only a search warrant, not an arrest warrant for its head.

It is also reported that Pavel Durov has rented a villa in Dubai, 1,400m² for $1m a year.

He has now instructed his assistants to find something suitable in Paris, and it is reported that the budget for renting a villa is not limited.