Nazi bunker in Normandy

Nazi bunker in Normandy

The HKB Heuqueville bunker, which translates to “Main Battle Bunker at Heuqueville”, was part of the massive Atlantic rampart defense system.

The battle bunker was built by the German Nazis during World War II.

This fortified point, built between 1943 and 1944, was important in protecting the Normandy coast from invading Allied forces.

However, as we know, all efforts to strengthen the defenses failed to prevent the Allied landings, which were the beginning of the end of the Nazi occupation of France.

Today, HKB Heuqueville is a highly insecure place.

It sits 100 meters above a cliff, the bunker, due to years of erosion of the rocks on which it is built, is precariously held above the precipice.

This makes the structure unstable and potentially dangerous for visitors.