Карта Вінланда

Map of Vinland

In the middle of the last century, there was a myth that was connected with the discovery of America.

The so-called Vinland map stirred the entire scientific world, and the traces of this myth have passed into the present century.

This map shows the outlines of North America, made about five hundred years before the discovery of this continent by Christopher Columbus.

Map of Vinland

A certain part of the scientific community persistently does not want to recognize the fact of the existence of this mysterious map.

There is no difference in this, because the palm of primacy from Columbus can not be taken away.

Specialists, who have studied this unique document, came to the conclusion that this map was made in 999 AD.

This is 493 years before the official discovery of the new continent by Christopher Columbus.

Thus, two brave Scandinavian navigators, Bjarni and Leif, were the first to discover a new continent.

It is quite possible that when Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage around the world, he could have used the data from this map.