Famous Chinese scientist Li Zehou brain was frozen

Famous Chinese scientist Li Zehou brain was frozen

Famous Chinese scientist Li Zehou brain was frozen in the United States

It is reported that the scientist has lived and worked in the United States for the last 30 years. He passed away in 2021.

His brain was frozen at the American cryopreservation foundation Alcor, writes Sixthtone.

Li is one of China’s most famous contemporary philosophers. His works of the 80s, in particular “The Way of Beauty,” led to the beginning of a “fever” of culture and aesthetics among the youth of that time.

The philosopher himself expressed a desire to preserve the brain back in 2010 in the hope that in the future it could be examined for “signs of Chinese culture.”

Chinese scientist Li Zehou's

The publication notes that the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, founded in 1972, had accepted 225 people as of December 31, 2023.

The “patients” are kept at extremely low temperatures in the hope that they can one day be resuscitated if the appropriate technology is developed.