Christ from the Abyss

Christ from the Abyss

Christ from the Abyss”: Amazing statue off the coast of Genoa.

“Christ from the Abyss” is the fixed name of the statue of Jesus Christ, which has become an integral part of the seabed off Italian Genoa.

Installed in 1954 at a depth of 17 meters, it surprises with its size – about 2.5 meters.

The statue was placed to create an underwater memorial and attract tourists.

It was also installed to enrich the underwater landscape and create a unique atmosphere for divers and scuba divers.

The statue is truly impressive: Christ’s face and hands are turned upward, as if he were addressing all people, heaven and God.

People come here from all over the world. Moreover, in completely opposite parts of the world there are copies of this statue, which also bear exactly the same name “Christ from the Abyss”.