Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, encompassing Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, is often associated with mysterious disappearances of ships and airplanes.

But data show that the frequency of accidents in the area is no higher than the average for other ocean routes.

In 2003, researchers estimated that the number of incidents in the area is 1-2 per 100,000 nautical miles.

This is similar to other busy routes.

A 1975 report by the British Marine Accident Research Service confirmed that the number of incidents was exaggerated by media hype.

Also, factors related to the high navigational activity in the Bermuda Triangle area.

That is, the large number of ships and airplanes passing through the area increases the likelihood of accidents.

This is due to the large number of vehicles encountering unfavorable conditions such as storms and strong currents.

Methane hydrates on the ocean floor can also cause underwater explosions, which can contribute to wrecks, but this phenomenon is not unique to the Bermuda Triangle.

Myths about mystical causes of disappearances supported by pop culture have no scientific basis.