Artificial sun created in China

Artificial sun created in China

Can an artificial sun created in China replace the real one?

Chinese science has made a significant breakthrough in the field of fusion.

Scientists have created a facility that has been unofficially dubbed the “artificial sun” for its ability to reach extreme temperatures.

This installation, officially known as Tokamak EAST, is a system that mimics the processes that occur in the depths of the real sun.

The artificial sun created in China is not meant to replace the real sun. Rather, it is a reactor.

It serves as an experimental setup to study fusion, the process that underlies the energy production of the real sun.

The goal of this project is to develop a technology that will produce energy on Earth.

It is a method similar to solar processes, i.e., to produce large amounts of energy from a small amount of fuel without emitting carbon dioxide or producing hazardous waste.