Artificial intelligence identifies people's illnesses from photos of their tongue

Artificial intelligence identifies people’s illnesses from photos of their tongue

It became known that Australian researchers have managed to develop a new system.

This system can detect human diseases by analyzing the image of the tongue. This is reported by New Atlas.

Researchers have achieved almost perfect accuracy in diagnosis using machine learning.

Artificial intelligence identifies people's illnesses from photos of their tongue
The AI doc will see your tongue now – and tell you what’s wrong with you 

Analysis of human language as a way to diagnose disease is known for a couple of thousand years.

This method was most used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Scientists from Australia’s Middle Technical University have modernized diagnosis with the latest technology.

They taught artificial intelligence based on 5,260 images of tongues taken under different lighting conditions.

Images of patients with known diseases such as anemia, diabetes and asthma were also used.

By analyzing the patient’s tongue. When the system was tested, it correctly identified the diagnosis 98% of the time.

“The color, shape and thickness of the tongue can indicate different diseases,” said Professor Ali Al-Naji.

For example, a purple color of the tongue with plaque can indicate cancer.

A yellow tongue is common in diabetic patients, and a white tongue indicates anemia.

Such latest technologies can be easily installed in modern smartphones.

This will allow users to check their own health at any time.

Probably, in the near future, it will be enough for a person to simply show his tongue to the smartphone camera to check his health.