Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

It became known about the discovery of two medieval tombs, which were found by archaeologists from Bournemouth University in Britain.

Ancient slabs have lain at the bottom of Stadlandskogo Bay for almost 800 years.

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The plates found by archaeologists were on board among the cargo on the ship, which sank off the coast of Dorset during the reign of Henry III in the thirteenth century.

Archaeologists have found a cargo that sank 800 years ago

One surviving slab measures one and a half meters (5 feet) and weighs about 70 kilograms (154 pounds).

The other, a much larger slab, is in two pieces, with a total length of two meters (6.5 feet) and weighs about 200 kilograms (441 pounds).

Both tombs have carved Christian crosses, popular in the thirteenth century.

The research team believes they were intended for use as coffin lids or crypts for dignitaries.

Earlier, it was reported about the largest meteorite that was found on the surface of the Earth.

The Khoba meteorite was found completely by accident, as there were no visible traces of the fall on the surface of the Earth after it hit the ground.