We are not giving the Ukrainians permission to strike Moscow

We are not giving the Ukrainians permission to strike Moscow

President Joe Biden said the U.S. does not authorize Ukraine to beat their long-range missiles deep into Russian territory.

“They are authorized for use near the border when they are used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets in Russia,” he said.

 “We don’t authorize strikes 200 miles deep into Russia, and we don’t authorize strikes against Moscow, against the Kremlin,” the US president said in an interview with ABC News.

It is noted that from the northern border of Ukraine to Moscow is almost 450 kilometers (that’s about 280 miles).

Biden also called Russian President Putin a dictator and said that the latter has been bothering him for 40 years.

“I’ve known him for over 40 years. He has bothered me for 40 years. He is not a decent person. He is a dictator, and he has to struggle to hold his country together and yet not stop this attack,” Biden said.

As you know, US President Joe Biden will meet with Volodymyr Zelensky this week during their stay in France.

A week later, the presidents of Ukraine and the United States will hold another meeting in Italy on the sidelines of the G7 summit.