Venezuela extradited Colombians who fought for Ukraine to Russia

Venezuela extradited Colombians who fought for Ukraine to Russia

It has become known that the Venezuelan authorities have extradited Colombians who fought for Ukraine to Russia. This is reported by El Tiempo.

On August 30, the Russian Federal Security Service said that it had detained two Colombian citizens who, according to the special service, had participated in hostilities on the side of Ukraine as mercenaries.

According to El Tiempo, the two Colombians were detained in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, and extradited to Russia.

The sister of one of the detainees said that they attracted the attention of Venezuelan police officers by wearing Ukrainian army uniforms.

Alexander Arte and Jose Aron Medina were reportedly traveling home to Colombia, with a stopover in Caracas.

The authorities of Colombia, Venezuela and Russia have not commented on the incident. Politico also writes about possible extradition.

The detention and subsequent expulsion of Colombians became the first known cases of extradition to Russia of citizens of foreign countries who fought on the side of Ukraine.

Russia’s special services also published a video in which Colombians are allegedly being led through the corridor of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.

It is reported that a criminal case for mercenaries has been opened against the Colombian citizens.

They face up to 15 years on this charge. The FSB did not explain where and when the Colombians were detained.