The world's first vertical farm

The world’s first vertical farm

The world’s first vertical farm for growing berries on an industrial scale has been opened in Richmond, Virginia.

This is reported in the journal Frontiers in Science.

This farm grows strawberries on an area of 0.4 hectares, using 30-meter vertical towers.

Production is planned at over 1.8 million kilograms of berries per year.

Plenty Farm works to ensure consistent yields regardless of the season or weather conditions.

By controlling light, temperature and humidity in 12 dedicated rooms, strawberries will be grown year-round.

The company has also improved the pollination process to increase efficiency and reduce waste.

The produce from this farm, grown in partnership with global grower Driscoll’s, will hit store shelves in early 2025.

Importantly, this method requires 97% less land and 90% less water than traditional farming.