The Ukrainian military hunts Russian drones from helicopters

The Ukrainian military hunts Russian drones from helicopters

The Ukrainian helicopters are involved in repelling Russian long-range attacks with Shahed-136 kamikaze drones.

This became known thanks to the official report of the Command of the Air Force of Ukraine. A video appeared and spread on the network.

The time and place are not announced. All that can be said is that we are talking about the Mi-8 helicopter, which is equipped with a nose machine gun.

The published video shows how the helicopter catches up with the Russian drone, after which the machine gunner opens fire.

After several long bursts, he destroys the target, which explodes from below along the course.

During the battle, it can be seen that the Ukrainian soldier is wearing an American combat helmet (HGU-56/P).

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian military opened a new page in the history of world wars.

They managed to shoot down two enemy helicopters on Russian territory for the first time using drones.