Protesters in support of Ukraine gather in Mongolia’s capital

In Ulaanbaatar, protesters with Ukrainian flags and placards “Get the war criminal Putin out of here” gathered in front of the Government Palace

Although the action was small, but we should pay tribute to this small group of brave citizens.

They decided to oppose the visit of the Russian dictator against the backdrop of numerous calls for Mongolia to comply with the ICC warrant.

Later, local law enforcers began detaining people who came out to protest in support of Ukraine.

Protesters in support of Ukraine gather in Mongolia's capital

Protesters in support of Ukraine gather in Mongolia's capital

And Putin himself has already promised the country cheap gas during his meeting with the Mongolian president.

Natural resources are one of the few reasons why some countries continue to maintain relations with the aggressor country Russia.

And Putin is eagerly taking advantage of that. During his visit, he talked about the Soyuz-East gas pipeline.

The Russian dictator assures that the project documentation is already ready and undergoes state expert review.

It is not just about the transit of Russian gas through Mongolia. The possibility of supplying this fuel to Mongolian consumers is also being considered.

The Soyuz-East gas pipeline will run through Mongolia and will be a continuation of the Power of Siberia-2.

The latter provides for the supply of up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to China.