Orbán’s motorcade was involved in an accident in Germany

It became known that the motorcade of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán was involved in an accident in Germany.

A German policeman was killed, Bild reports.

It is reported that the accident occurred in Stuttgart on the way to the local airport.

Orbán's motorcade was involved in an accident in Germany

A pensioner in a BMW drove to the intersection, which was driving the column of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

The 69-year-old woman’s car crashed into the motorcycle of a policeman from Orban’s escort team.

Orbán's motorcade was involved in an accident in Germany

The policeman was thrown by the force of the impact onto another police car from the motorcade.

The motorcyclist died, and his fellow cop was seriously injured.

Orban was in Germany for the European soccer championship.

The night before, he had watched the Hungarian national team’s match against Scotland, which was being played in Stuttgart. Hungary won the match.

Orbán's motorcade was involved in an accident in Germany