Нострадамус та Ванга передбачили війну в Європі у 2025 році

Nostradamus and Vanga foresaw war in Europe in 2025

Two of the world’s most famous prophecy figures, Nostradamus and Vanga, predicted a major war on the European continent in 2025.

This was brought to the attention of the British tabloid Daily Mail.

Nostradamus (1503-1566) and Vanga (1911-1996) lived in different eras. However, both predicted terrible trials for Europe as early as 2025.

They were certain that a deadly war would break out in the region.

Thus, French astrologer Nostradamus wrote that “the lands of Europe” would be involved in “cruel wars” as early as next year.

Nostradamus and Vanga foresaw war in Europe in 2025

His prediction also spoke of “a long-standing plague that will be worse than enemies.”

Bulgarian seer Vanga also saw a great and bloody conflict in Europe in 2025. She claimed it would “devastate” the continent.

Notably, Vanga envisioned the end of the world in 5079.

Nostradamus and Vanga foresaw war in Europe in 2025

Her close entourage claimed that the seer envisioned Russian aggression against Ukraine in advance.

Allegedly, according to her prophecy, the conflict will last about two years (the war has been going on for almost three years at this point) and will end “when the eighth man ascends the throne.”

What she meant by “the eighth” is not known.

Vanga, among other things, supposedly envisioned that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin would be assassinated by someone in his inner circle.