Kadyrov bolted a machine gun onto a Tesla Cybertruck

Chechnya head, Kadyrov, said he received a Tesla Cybertruck electric car as a gift from Elon Musk.

“We received a Tesla Cybertruck from the esteemed Elon Musk. I was pleased to test the new technique and personally verified that it is not by chance that it is called ‘Cyberbeast’,” Kadyrov wrote in Telegram.

Kadyrov bolted a machine gun onto a Tesla Cybertruck

He stated that the Cybertruck will soon be sent to war in Ukraine.

Kadyrov also expressed gratitude to Elon Musk, whom he promised to receive in Grozny as a dear guest.

A machine gun was placed on top of the car.

It should be noted that neither Elon Musk nor the Tesla company confirmed the transfer of the Cybertruck to Kadyrov.

It is extremely curious what and how Elon Musk will respond to this statement.

And the answer will be required. Then it will become clear whether it is a gift or not.

The car can be bought in Russia through intermediaries for more than 20 million rubles (approximately 250,000 dollars).