Для Microsoft перезапустять атомну електростанцію

For Microsoft to restart a nuclear power plant

For the needs of Artificial Intelligence from Microsoft will restart a nuclear power plant.

According to the Financial Times, it is about the American nuclear power plant Three Mile Island.

It was on it in 1979 almost occurred the largest disaster in the history of American nuclear power.

It is reported that the project will spend $1.6 billion. By 2028, one of the nuclear power plant units will be launched, which was mothballed in 2019.

All the energy it produces will power Microsoft’s artificial intelligence for 20 years.

Earlier, experts calculated that Google’s single AI model consumes more electricity in a year than the whole of Ireland.

And the largest share of energy is spent on generating text, video and pictures.

Video. Three Mile Island: Near-miss nuclear disaster | Past PA | Pennsylvania history.