Donald Trump has agreed to a debate after all

Donald Trump has agreed to a debate after all

Trump said he has agreed with the Fox News television channel to have a debate with Kamala Harris.

According to him, they will take place on September 4 in Pennsylvania, where an attempt was made on his life.

“The rules will be similar to those of my debate with Sleepy Joe, who was treated horribly by his party – but with a full arena audience,” the Republican candidate said.

Kamala Harris’ headquarters has not yet commented or confirmed her participation in this debate.

Earlier on Bloomberg, it was reported that Trump does not see the point of holding a debate with Harris.

Trump said that he is already ahead in the support rating of the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

But, as we can see, the former president insists on the debate, which will be held on the loyal to the Republicans TV channel Fox.