Biden wished Trump a happy birthday with an ironic joke

Biden wished Trump a happy birthday with an ironic joke

President of the United States of America Joe Biden made a joke about Donald Trump while congratulating him on his 78th birthday.

“Happy 78th birthday, Donald. Take it from one old guy to another: Age is just a number. This election, however, is a choice,” the politician noted in the Network X video.

To his congratulations, the American leader attached a video in which he compared his achievements with the actions of former President Trump.

In particular, one of the frames says that the latter promised to be a dictator, while Biden did not do this.

Earlier, the American president suggested that Trump hold a debate with him for at least two rounds before the upcoming election.

“Well, make my day, buddy. I’ll even do it twice. So, let’s pick dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden ironically suggested.

The US president was probably referring to the day the former president walked out of court in New York. In a money-laundering case.