ATACMS missile strike on the Russian military

The Ukrainian military has published a video of an ATACMS missile strike on a Russian training ground in the occupied part of Luhansk Region.

OSINT investigators report that the published footage shows the village of Kuban.

Judging by the missile strikes, a modification of ATACMS with cluster projectiles was used.

The photo shows a concentration of Russian military personnel in one area before a missile attack.

ATACMS missile strike on the Russian military

According to the sources, the missiles were aimed at a firing range with Russian military personnel.

As a result, manpower and military equipment were destroyed. Losses to the Russian military are currently being clarified.

Earlier, it was reported that Ukraine secretly received long-range ATACMS missiles from the US.

The US did not announce the transfer of such weapons at the request of the Ukrainian side for operational security purposes.

ATACMS missiles are operational tactical missile system manufactured by the US company Lockheed Martin.

Such missiles are capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 300 kilometers.