Ukrainians on Yak-52s shoot down Russian drones

Ukrainians on Yak-52s shoot down Russian drones

The Ukrainian military is on the hunt for Russian drones in a World War II-era Yak-52 propeller-driven airplane.

Ukrainian heroes reportedly added two more destroyed drones to their record this week.

The photos that appeared online show new painted marks on the side of the Yak-52 aircraft.

This shows the successful destruction of at least six Russian Orlan drones and two ZALA drones.

Ukrainians on Yak-52s shoot down Russian drones

Video footage from a Russian drone shows two Ukrainian pilots from a Yak-52 airplane shooting down their target.

The Yak-52 and the Russian drone are only a few yards apart.

A military man on the Yak-52 sitting in the back seat, armed with a drone-destroying shotgun, takes aim at the drone.

Earlier, Russian military officials complained that the Yak-52 crew “shoots at drones like in a shooting gallery.”

Others compared this tactic to World War II-era battles.

The Yak-52 is a sport-training airplane, a two-seat all-metal monoplane with a low-slung free-slung wing.

In the USSR, it was one of the main training aircraft for initial training of flight personnel.