Sculptures that change shape before your eyes

Sculptures that change shape before your eyes

Illusions in art: sculptures by Mathieu Robert-Ortiz that change shape before your eyes.

The artist has created sculptures that change their appearance depending on which side you look at them from.

“Capitalism and the Age of Aquarius” is a work that symbolically reflects the clash of two opposing worldviews or eras.

On one side is capitalism, a system based on material values and profit.

On the other hand, the Age of Aquarius, associated with spirituality, humanism, change and a new age in which people are centered on freedom, equality and collective consciousness.

“Epigenetics talks about how our genes can change due to environmental influences.

When you look at the sculpture from different angles, it changes its shape, showing how everything around us affects the way we become.

These works are not just visual tricks. They make you rethink how we perceive the world and how our perceptions can change.