Польські вчені відновили останки знайдених хлопчиків

Scientists have reconstructed the remains of the found boys

Polish scientists have reconstructed the appearance of two boys aged 7-9 whose remains were found in 2018 in the village of Czulice near Krakow.

It has been established that both boys were Huns and died between 395 and 418.

One was born in Pannonia, the other somewhere in Asia. The European was a servant – he was buried without burial equipment, face down.

Scientists have reconstructed the remains of the found boys

The Asian boy was a lord. Near his remains were found gold and silver jewelry, as well as an iron knife.

What attracted particular attention was that the “Asian” had a deformed skull, a practice that was typical of the Hunnish elite.

The grave also contained animal bones that may have been sacrificial.

It is likely that the European boy was in the grave, not by chance either.

Perhaps he was sacrificed after the death of his master so that he would not be lonely in the afterlife.