Russian singer boasts of Chanel cosmetic bag stolen from Ukrainian woman

Russian singer boasts of Chanel cosmetic bag stolen from Ukrainian woman

Popular Russian singer Yulia Chicherina, who supports the war and dictator Putin, turned out to be a looter.

She boasted that during her visit to the occupied territories of Ukraine, she was given a Chanel cosmetic bag, which was stolen from a local resident.

The video was published on her social media.

The large pink cosmetic bag with the inscription Chanel was given to her by Russian occupants fighting against Ukraine.

In the video, they claim that they allegedly took it away from a French military man.

But it is obvious that this “trophy” was stolen by the Russian military from an ordinary Ukrainian woman.

However, the Russian singer was not embarrassed by this fact, she laughed and mocked on camera.

“The French they caught; I think… They with purses, with beards! They raced with such; they have such a cartridge. That’s cool! This is the most original, perhaps,” the Russian marauder was having fun.

Earlier, it was reported that residents of Russia began to hang Ukrainian flags on their houses to prevent them from being shot at.

But it has long been common knowledge that the Ukrainian military never hit civilians as the Russian occupants do.