Russian and Chinese bombers intercepted over Alaska

Russian and Chinese bombers intercepted over Alaska

Russian Tu-95MS paired with Chinese bombers unexpectedly appeared in the Alaska area.

They were met by F-16 and F-35 fighters of the U.S. and Canadian air forces. .

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) reported this.

Fox News said that this is the first time that the Russian Federation and China have carried out joint patrols in the Alaska area.

The reported situation happened less than an hour before U.S. President Joe Biden was scheduled to address Americans.

Whether the two events are connected is not yet known for sure.

The Russians, however, in their media showed a video of a meeting with U.S. aircraft in the sky.

And writes about alleged joint patrols over the Chukchi and Bering seas, as well as the North Pacific.

As it is known, US President Joe Biden made a speech.

He said that he was dropping out of the presidential race in the name of democracy, not because of ill health.