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An ancient cemetery of the Roman era has been found

British archaeologists have found in English Cambridgeshire cemetery of the Roman era, dated 24–410 years AD.

In its center was dug out a stone coffin with the body of the deceased, poured liquid plaster before burial.

The study is published on the official website of the research company Headland Archeology (HLA), which led the excavation.

Immersing the dead in cement or gypsum was practiced in the Roman Empire, but scientists still do not fully understand the meaning of this tradition.

Perhaps it was done to better preserve the remains, as the procedure was expensive and available only to noble people.

HLA experts found out that the gypsum for this burial was extracted from a quarry 50 kilometers from the cemetery.

These factors combined with the central location of the stone sarcophagus indicate that its owner was an aristocrat or a very wealthy man.

However, only one piece of burial equipment was found in the coffin, which turned out to be a glass vessel.

An ancient cemetery of the Roman era has been found

Archaeologists noted one of the burials, where the bones of a young woman in her early 20s were found.

Next to her lay a mountain of jewelry, including silver earrings, bracelets and rings made of copper, as well as an oval plate made of silver.

Scientists believe that these treasures could have been the girl’s wedding dowry.