Елітний бункер для найбагатших людей світу

Luxury bunker for the world’s richest people

A US company wants to build a luxury bunker for 625 of the world’s richest people in Virginia by 2026.

The bunker is being built for protection in the event of a global catastrophe. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

The so-called entrance ticket to the luxury shelter costs 20 million dollars, and the price of the construction project is 300 million dollars.

Luxury bunker for the world's richest people

The secure bunker will provide artificial intelligence-based medical care, privacy and the ability to conduct your business.

Luxury bunker for the world's richest people

And in case of an emergency, everyone will be able to lock themselves in a special capsule for extra security.

There will be luxurious restaurants, an indoor swimming pool, cold bath centers, rooms for intravenous therapy, a bowling alley and a climbing wall.

Luxury bunker

Luxury bunker

It is reported that the bunker will be located near the White House.

But project leaders insist that this is a coincidence and has nothing to do with current global tensions.