Liquid water has been found on Mars

It became known that on Mars, for the first time, water was found water in a liquid state. Found water may be at great depths below the surface.

The NASA Mars Insight Lander probe analyzed data that deep in the crust of the Red Planet there is a so-called reservoir of liquid water. This is reported by the BBC.

As is known, on Mars we have already found ice and vapor remnants in the atmosphere, but water in a liquid state for the first time.

The Mars Insight Lander probe sat on the surface of the Red Planet 6 years ago.

Liquid water has been found on Mars

4 of them he sat in one place and “listened to the planet”, that is, recorded on the seismograph shaking of the Mars crust.

The probe recorded seismic waves only under itself, and, accordingly, the water deposit was also found in this place.

But scientists believe that there are such deposits in other places on Mars. The analysis showed that water lays beneath the surface of Mars at a depth of 10 to 20 km.

This discovery answers the big question, “Where did the water from Mars go?”

Researchers who have studied the surface of Mars have long realized that there was water on it: there are traces of rivers and lakes on the surface. But for the last 3 billion years, instead of them, there’s been a desert.

If this is really true, there should be enough water in these deposits to cover the entire surface of Mars with a one and a half kilometer layer of water.

But the depth of these reserves greatly complicates the plans of those thinking of colonizing the Red Planet.